Ludwig Maximilians Universität München (LMU)

Ludwig Maximilians Universität München is an exchange destination for Utrecht University Bachelor and Master students of the faculty of Humanities in Munich, Germany.

Student experiences

Read about student experiences.


General information for exchange students

Faculty information

Choosing Courses

Course Catalogue

Welcome Guide


Academic calendar

Semester I (Winter Semester): approximately October –  February
Semester II (Summer Semester): approximately April –  July

Academic Calendar


Language requirement: a minimum language level of B2 (CEFR) in German or English is required.

Areas of study open to exchange students

Languages & Literature, History & Arts.

Subjects taught here are: 

  • English Language and Culture

  • French Language and Culture

  • German Language and Culture

  • History

  • History of Art

  • Italian Language and Culture

  • Literary Studies

  • Linguistics

  • Musicology

  • Spanish Language and Culture

  • Theatre Studies

Students will have to take a minimum of 60% of their courses in the subject area they are nominated for. 40% of courses can be taken in no more that 2 other departments. Note that the Faculty of Languages and Literatures counts, in this case, as one department.

Courses at Master’s level


Language of instruction

German and English

Housing assistance

Student housing

Please note, that rooms can only be guaranteed for approx. half of the students.
Due to a challenging housing market in Munich, please start looking for accommodation as soon as possible, while simultaneously submitting your housing application.

The Jugendinformationszentrum (Youth Information Center) also have resources that can help you find a place to stay.


Estimated living costs per month

Estimated living costs

  • Rooms in private housing including utilities: 550 – 1000 euros

  • Rooms in university housing including utilities: 350 – 480 euros

  • Health insurance: 80 euros

  • Meals: 200 – 250 euros

  • Mobile phone: 15 – 30 euros

  • Public transportation: 33 euros


Normal study load per semester: 30 ECTS 

Number of places available

4 places per year. 

Additional information

Special Needs:

If you have special needs, please let the LMU know through your application form.
Services offered from LMU, You can also contact them through <>

Social Media

Instagram / Twitter / Facebook / Website

Do you have any questions about this partner university or about studying abroad? Contact the International Office of the Faculty of Humanities (details below).