Master's thesis awards
Students who write an excellent master's thesis can be awarded a thesis award. As a master's student at Utrecht University, you can win two different thesis awards.
Best Master's thesis
During the start of the academic year, the rector magnificus awards one student for Best Master's Thesis. A Director of Education or Research Director of the Master’s programme can nominate a student for the award Best Master's Thesis. The student has to meet certain specific criteria.
Nominees need to meet certain specific criteria. The submitted graduate thesis must for instance have received a mark of at least an 8.5. You cannot submit your thesis yourself; the thesis has to be submitted by the Director of Education or the Research Director of the Master’s programme for which the thesis was written.
Every year, the deadline for nominating candidates is June 1st.

Vliegenthart Master's thesis price
Every year, the Utrecht University Fund awards the Vliegenthart Thesis Prize. Its aim is to annually showcase an exceptional talent to the outside world in general and the alumni community in particular.
The prize involves the sum of € 2,000 and is awarded in turn to the disciplines of Humanities, Life Sciences, Science and Social and Behavioural Sciences.