Elective internship (secondary elective)

International and innovative companies need open-minded people who know how to interact with people from different backgrounds and cultures. An internship in a company or a university abroad is an experience, which helps you achieve those qualities. Experiencing an internship may make it easier to choose for a career in industry or to pursue a PhD position. In the past, students went to the USA (New York, Louisiana, Berkeley), Australia (Sydney), Asia (Singapore) and Europe (Oxford, Cambridge, Manchester, Dublin, Paris, Lund, Zaragoza, Roskilde, Zürich). Students visited companies like Philips Research Eindhoven, Akzo Nobel, Dow Benelux, MSD Oss, FOM, Technip Benelux, ECN Petten, DSM Geleen, TNO, Teijn Aramid BV, Albemarl and Pneumotec Moers.

What is the workload?

The internship normally takes 30 EC, 5 months of full-time work. Smaller internships of 15 EC are also possible, but companies look for students opting for a longer stay. If holidays are included, the internship can be extended with the weeks that are counted as leave. It is certainly not our aim to allow internships above 30 EC.