Student Government and participation
At every level of Utrecht University, students and staff help develop policy and give advice to the different governing bodies. A well-organised student and staff representation system is very important to the University.
Voicing your opinion
Your opinion is very important to us! Your constructive and critical feedback motivates us to improve our educational standards and our facilities.
Do you want to offer us feedback on our performance, or would you like to participate in educational policy-making and represent the students of the Faculty of Science? You can!
You can do this by simply participating in educational surveys or by becoming a student member of one of our boards and committees.
How can I voice my opinion?
- Fill out our regular course evaluations (Caracal),
- Fill out the annual National Student Survey (NSE, in Dutch) to give your opinion about all aspects of your education,
- You may also choose to inform your student representative in one of the (Faculty) consultative bodies about your concerns or in case you have suggestions for improvements in our services or programmes.
The Education Committee guards the quality of education in the Faculty. The Faculty has developed a quality assessment system, which revolves around the Education Committee as the most important body of influence.
Tasks and responsibilities
The Education Committee of the Graduate School of Natural Sciences is mandated by law to execute the following tasks:
- Advise the Board of Studies of the GSNS on the Education and Examinations Regulations (EER),
- Assess the execution of the EER once per year,
- Offer the Board of Studies of the GSNS solicited and unsolicited advice on all matters relating to teaching and education.
- The Education Committee of the Graduate School of Natural Sciences assesses the quality of teaching and education by executing periodic evaluations. The process of these evaluations is determined by Faculty regulations.
- The Education Committee evaluates courses on multiple occasions in the academic year, as well as the entire program at the end of the year.
- After every evaluation, the Education Committee creates a report which advises the Board of Studies on actions to be taken.
Members EC
The Education Committee of the Graduate School of Natural Sciences is made up equally of both students and staff.
The members are appointed by the Board of Studies and chosen from the departmental Education Advisory Committees. Check here for the up to date list of members.
Education Advisory Committee
Each department and some individual Master's programmes have their own Education Advisory Committee.
You can always approach the members of your EAC with questions or complaints about education.
Do you want to become a member? Please contact your student representative in the Education Committee (education council) for more information and procedures if you would you like to run for a seat in the Education Advisory Committee of your Department or Master's programme.
Financial support
Are you a member of the Education Committee? Then you are entitled to financial support from the Faculty of Science in the form of a scholarship. Download
- Compensation amounts for 2022-2023
- Declaration form 2022-2023.
The Faculty Council represents the staff and students in the Faculty. The Faculty Council has approval and advisory rights on a range of faculty matters, including education. It has the power to influence very important decisions.
Tasks and responsibilities
The Faculty Board and the Faculty Council meet once per six weeks to discuss current affairs. The meetings are guided by an agenda that is co-drafted by the Council and the Board. This agenda includes a set of documents that the Board would like to discuss with the Council.
If the Council requests information on certain issues, it can also submit written questions, on which the Board is obliged to answer.
Become a member
Staff members of the Faculty Council are elected for two years, student members for one year.
Want to become a member? You can run for one of seven available seats during the annual Faculty Council student elections in May.
Financial support
Are you a member of the Faculty Council? Then you are entitled to financial support from the Faculty of Science in the form of a scholarship. Download
- Compensation amounts for 2022-2023
- Delaration form 2022-2023
As student member you look after the interests of students within the Faculty. You manage the portfolios community building, internationalisation and alumni policy and maintain contacts with student associations and other student organisations in Utrecht on behalf of the Faculty of Science.
Ties Bakker is the current student member of the Faculty Board.
The Faculty Board consists of the following members:
- Dean
- Vice-Dean of Education
- Vice-Dean of Research
- Faculty Director
- Student member
Tasks and responsibilities
As the student member you have the following duties aside from your duties in the Board:
- To promote and support student participation in other co-participation organs such as the Faculty Council, and the Board of Studies of the Undergraduate School;
- To support other student initiatives like student associations or activity committees and make sure that these students are able to execute their duties as well as possible;
- You achieve this by inviting them for meetings and trainings.
In brief, the student member is the representative of all Faculty of Science students and is expected to:
- Attend weekly Faculty Board meetings and contribute to policy making discussions on everything that is going on, especially those matters concerning students and education, in the Faculty,
- Be a member of the Board of Studies of the Undergraduate School (UGS). During monthly UGS Board meetings educational matters are discussed by the Departmental Heads of Education,
- Be a vital link between Faculty Board, Faculty Council, Student Societies and the student body.
Term of service
The student member of the Faculty Board holds a paid position. It is a valuable learning experience and good addition to your résumé. The position requires approximately 16 hours per week, which are mostly spent in meetings. The term for a student member is one academic year (Start on September 1st).
Financial support
Are you a student member of the Faculty Board? Then you are entitled to financial support from the Faculty of Science in the form of a scholarship.
- Compensation amounts for 2022-2023
- Declaration form 2022-2023
You can contact the residing student member of the Faculty Board by sending an email to Are you interested in this job? Applicants are welcome to send their résumé to the same email address annually in the first half of November.
The Faculty of Science includes six Departments (Biology, Chemical Sciences, Physics, Information and Computing Sciences, Mathematical Science, and Pharmaceutical Sciences), each with its own Department Board and Education Advisory Committee. A Board has one student member, The Education Advisory Committees have several student members. Please contact your Student Association to find out more about how you can contribute to policy making in your Department.
Financial support
Are you a student member of the Departmental Committees and Boards? Then you are entitled to financial support from the Faculty of Science in the form of a scholarship.
- Compensation amounts for 2022-2023
- Declaration form 2022-2023.
Members Education Advisory Committee 2020-2021
Chair: Rob Bisseling
- Rob Bisseling
- Yuri Kuznetsov
- Steven Wepster
- Jaap van Oosten
Bachelor students:
- Casper Bakker
- Catalina Blom
- Marloes van Bokhoven
Master students:
- Lucas Smits
- Jim Vollebregt
Jetze Zoethout
Advisors: (no member)
- Barbara van den Berg: director of education
- Thijs Ruijgrok: education manager bachelor
- Wilfred de Graaf: education manager master
- Marian Brands: study advisor
- Gill Cavalcanti: programme director master Mathematical Sciences
Representatives Education Committee Bachelor programmes
lecturer: Rob Bisseling
Representatives Education Committee Master programmes
lecturer: Rob Bisseling
The students of the bachelor and master programmes of mathematics have organised themselves in the WOL ("Wiskunde Overleg"). They organise regular meetings in a WWW'tje, so if you have ideas for improvement for the programme or complaints, please join their meetings. You can find more information on their website.
The University Council is the central representative body of Utrecht University. The Council serves the interests of students and staff.
More information is available: University Council.