Part 2 of Research Project

The process described on this page follows the process in Research Project part 1.

Follow these steps to complete Research Project part 2

After a positive assessment of Research Project part 1, you will continue with Research Project part 2. In part 2 the Research Project will be continued, finalized and written down in a thesis. Finally the findings will be presented during your final presentation.

Your final grade is made up of the following components:

  • Process: 30%
  • Results: 25%
  • Thesis: 25%
  • Presentation/Defence: 20%

The average mark is the weighted average of the four marks for process, results, thesis and defence. The final mark is the minimum of the average mark and the average mark for thesis and results. You can find the rubrics or explanation of the assessment criteria in the Guidelines for Evaluation of Master Project.

In the GSNS Assessment Form for Part 2, you can find the rubrics, i.e. all criteria on which your Research Project will be assessed. Please use this form only as a discussion piece and do not send in paper or scanned forms.

Find help with writing your thesis:

At Skills Lab, you can access workshops and guidance in areas such as writing, studying, and other academic skills. Tip: sign up for free writing coaching and/or study coaching.

Other tips: