Part 1 of Research Project
The process described on this page follows the process in the step 'Getting started'. The duration of the Research Project starts now.

Follow the instructions on this page to complete Research Project Part 1
For the first part of the Research Project you have to study the literature and make a detailed plan for the research and the thesis.
For completion of this part, the student should hand in the (written) research proposal to the supervisor, together with a plan for the written thesis. An assessment form will be filled in by your supervisor with important points of improvement. The proposal is evaluated by the supervisor and will be assessed with a “go” or “no go” (no numerical mark).
Grade and written explanation
The project supervisor/first examiner will fill out the ‘Assessment Form Part 1 Research Project’ in Osiris Case. Once this is complete, your second examiner will be asked, in Osiris Case, if they agree with the assessment. After your second examiner has approved the final assessment, then the Student Desk will register the outcome of the evaluation and, if applicable, award the EC.
An example assessment form of Part 1 with more detailed criteria is available. Please use this form only as a discussion piece and do not send in paper or scanned forms.
Go or No Go decision
There are three options for the Go/No Go decision:
- Sufficient: means that you automatically continue with part 2.
- Insufficient with re-take exam: means that your project supervisor/first examiner explains which parts need improvement. A date to re-evaluate part 1 will be set. After re-evaluation, your (first) supervisor/first examiner will send the updated assessment to the Student Desk.
- Insufficient without re-take exam (fail): means that you have failed on the above-mentioned learning goals and have to abort the research project. Your project supervisor/first examiner will report his/her findings to the programme director who will invite you and the Study Advisor. The programme board, after consulting you and possibly other people, will decide whether starting up a new project will make sense.