Final assessment and wrap-up
The process described on this page follows after the process in Research Project Part 2.

You're almost done! Follow these steps to complete your Research Project.
First: arrange a date and a room for the thesis presentation
You should arrange a date for the presentation with your supervisors and contact Campus & Facilities via to arrange a room. When you have arranged a room, send an abstract of the talk including the supervisors to the Student Desk via The Student Desk will send an invitation of the talk to the staff members of the Mathematical Institute and the bachelor and master students of mathematics.
Alternatively, the student can give the presentation during the Master's thesis presentation days (next edition: 25, 26 and 27 June 2025). More information about the Master's thesis presentation days will be communicated through the Wisper newsletter.
Step 1: Present your thesis
You will give a presentation of 60 minutes. Your project supervisor/first examiner and second examiner will decide on your presentation grade and provide you with feedback.
Step 2: Final assessment by examiners
- Your project supervisor/first examiner will grade your project and give you feedback on your performance.
- The second examiner will check the assessment form and confirm the grades online.
Step 3: Upload and archive thesis
- Once your second examiner has approved your assessment, you will be asked to upload a copy of your final thesis in Osiris.
- The Student Desk will register your grade.
- Once your grade is registered, a separate (Osiris) case will be started automatically. In this case you:
↬ Archive your thesis (mandatory)
Your programme is required to archive your thesis for a period of 7 years for i.a. accreditation purposes. During this period your thesis will be confidentially stored within the Osiris environment. You might be asked to re-upload your thesis.
↬ Publish your thesis (optional but highly encouraged)
You can choose to publish your thesis, but you should discuss this with your project supervisor/first examiner and second examiner, and also the company in situations where an external research project/internship took place.
Discuss with your supervisors whether you want to publish your thesis in the thesis repository of the University library. Your collective decision should be recorded both by your supervisor during the assessment of your thesis as by you in the Osiris Case Thesis archiving & publication.
When publishing, you have the option to:
- Publish your thesis in full or upload a publication version
A publication version should be considered if for instance, your thesis contains privacy-sensitive data. This can be within your result section but also within your acknowledgements.
- Publish your thesis right away or establish an embargo period
By placing your thesis under embargo, the publication within the repository is delayed until a date of your choosing. This can be useful if you are for instance in the process of submitting a paper or you want to continue the work and do not want to publish the data yet.
If you completed the above steps, along with all other courses and exams of your programme, then proceed to the Graduation checklist ⋙