Research Project (Thesis)
Also known as: thesis (project)
In the second year of your master, you work on a Research Project, under the supervision of a staff member of the Mathematical Institute.
Set-up Research Project
The research project consists of two components:
- Research project: proposal (15 EC, WISM105)
- Research project: thesis (30 EC, WISM109)
If you are participating in a profile, the components are as follows: Research project: proposal (10 EC, WISM107) and Research project: thesis (20 EC, WISM108).
When can I start?
When 45 EC of the mandatory courses or primary electives is completed or with approval by the programme director.
Holidays, courses, or other activities that lead to time off or part-time work on your Research Project will result in a longer Research Project. Keep this in mind when planning your studies and the Research Project deadline. Please see below what to do when your Research Project is delayed and you have to apply for a Research Project deadline extension.
You may combine your Research Project with an internship. In this case, you have to find a project supervisor/first examiner from the Mathematical Institute and a daily supervisor at the place of the internship. The project supervisor/first examiner is responsible for the Research Project and has to approve the internship. The internship may take less than the required study load; the total Research Project, however, should take the required study load. Make sure you have filled out the 'daily supervisor' section and also have an Internship contract in place.
If your project takes place outside UU, for example at a company, an internship contract is required.
Arrange the internship contract before submitting your application form in Osiris.
The internship contract has to be checked and signed by the Research Project Coordinators, Rebecca Puyk and Noor Weelink, on behalf of the UU via Once your internship contract has been checked and signed by the UU, you can upload it with your application form in Osiris (for more information on that, go to the page 'Getting Started').
The contract options are as follows:
- The Universities of the Netherlands (UNL) internship contract is preferred for an external project inside the Netherlands.
- The EAIE contract is preferred for an external project outside of the Netherlands.
- The host organisation may have their own internship contract, provided that it meets the requirements of Utrecht University.
There can only be one internship contract, so please discuss this with the host organisation carefully. We advise students to first discuss their internship (contract) with their supervisor before signing.
Penalty clause (a fine)
The Faculty and Utrecht University strongly discourage signing an internship contract provided by an external organisation which contains a penalty clause (a fine).
Please be aware: We will not co-sign any internship contract which contains a penalty clause (fine).
Going abroad? You need to take these extra steps:
- If your project is outside of the Netherlands, you also have to do a Stay Abroad request in Osiris after receiving approval by the Board of Examiners. Information about this can be found on the webpage Stay Abroad.
- Please read the whole page carefully. If you have questions please contact the International Office. Be aware that arranging a project abroad takes time.
- You might find this checklist useful during the organisation of your traineeship abroad.
- It is important to check the travel advice for your destination given by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Please type in your destination on the website (in Dutch). If your country has orange or red areas your Stay Abroad request cannot be validated.
> Project supervisor/First examiner*:
The project supervisor/first examiner is - together with the second examiner - responsible for your assessment and registering your grade in Osiris. They must be an employee of UU (or UMCU) and a junior lecturer [junior docent], lecturer [docent], senior lecturer [hoofddocent] or full professor [hoogleraar]. The first examiner is responsible for ensuring the involvement of a second examiner.
> Second examiner:
Must also be a UU (or UMCU) employee and a junior lecturer [junior docent], lecturer [docent], senior lecturer [hoofddocent] or full professor [hoogleraar]. This person is not involved in your supervision but is - together with the first examiner - responsible for the final assessment and grading.
> Daily supervisor (optional):
This is the person who will supervise your day-to-day activities. Your daily supervisor can be the same person as your project supervisor/first examiner, but this does not necessarily need to be the case. Sometimes you can be supervised by a PhD student or someone outside the UU. When your project takes place outside UU the daily supervisor might be someone from the company/institute. Please note that an external supervisor cannot be an examiner.
*Students following a double degree master's programme will be co-supervised by two project supervisors/first examiners, one of each programme.
Students with a project from 1 September 2024:
This is what you need to do if you foresee a delay of your Research Project or extension/addition to the project is necessary.
The protocol*
- The student and examiners need to finish the Research Project before the in Osiris Zaak specified end date. The end date is the last date by which the final grade is determined. The end date is based on full-time study.
- If the end date cannot be met, the student, first and second examiner agree on a new end date. This new end date will be passed on to the Board of Examiners by the student via Osiris Student > ‘My Cases’> ‘Start Case’ > ‘Request to the Board of Examiners’ > ‘request type ‘New end date thesis project’. This needs to happen before the initial end date is reached. Valid reasons for agreeing on a new end date can be both personal circumstances and research-related circumstances.
- The student and examiners can impose an examination on the agreed end date. In the case the other party does not agree with this, they can turn to the programme leader. A student who due to circumstances beyond their control cannot be present during examination can request the Board of Examiners for a special testing provision.
The student and/or examiners can turn to the Board of Examiners in cases of disagreement on the implementation of this protocol or other conflicts not covered by this protocol. In these cases, the Board of Examiners decides in line with the spirit of this protocol.
*This protocol is translated from the Dutch version in the EER/OER and no rights can be derived from any errors in translation.
Students with a Research Project from before 1 September 2024:
This is what you need to do if you, due to circumstances beyond your control, foresee a delay of your Research Project in Part 1 or Part 2.
The procedure:
- Discuss this first with your supervisor(s). If all agree a new realistic end date will be set for the Research Project.
- After that, contact the Study Advisor and the programme coordinator and ask for consent to determine a new end date for your thesis.
- Apply for an extension of the research project deadline for Part 1 or Part 2 to the Board of Examiners via Osiris Student > ‘My Cases’> ‘Start Case’ > ‘Request to the Board of Examiners’ > ‘request type 7 'Delay of research or thesis project'.
What information is needed for the application form:
- A statement from the Study Advisor
- A copy of an email in which the supervisors support the request for a deadline extension
- A proposed new deadline
- Short statement to support your request
Follow these steps (click the pictures/titles below):
- Getting started This process is executed before the official start of your Research Project and is excluded from the duration of the Research Project.
- Research Project Part 1 Starting on your research and obtaining your first results. Concluded with a Go/No Go meeting.
- Research Project Part 2 Continuing your research after successfully completing Part 1. Concluded with a thesis.
- Final assessment and wrap-up The process described on this page follows after the process in the step 'Research Project Part 2'