Master’s thesis awards

Several HPS students have won prizes for their master’s thesis in recent years:


Martijn van der Meer, Sown without Care - Dutch eugenicists and their call for optimising developmental conditions, 1919-1939   
Roy Porter Essay Prize of the Society for the Social History of Medicine 2021
Huygens-Descartes Scriptieprijs 2022 (nominated)

Chiara Lacroix, Birth of the human being: historicising the concept of human in the study of reproduction
Utrecht University Best Master’s Thesis 2022
Stichting Historia Medicinae thesis prize 2022

Sanne VergouwenEmergent Solitons and the Philosophy of Non-Perturbative Quantum Field Theory
Hanneke Janssen Memorial Prize 2022

Bobby Vos, Abstract Model Theory for Logical Metascience
GSNS Scriptieprijs 2018, Runner-Up
Ruward Mulder, Worldly patterns: emergence, functionalism and pragmatic reality
Hanneke Janssen Memorial Prize 2018

Emma Mojet, Early Dutch Interest in Newtonian Mathematics: Adriaen Verwer (1654-1717) and Newton’s usefulness
Dr. C. Louise Thijssen-Schoute scriptieprijs 2017
Elsevier/Johan de Witt-scriptieprijs 2017        

Sebastiaan Broere, In and Out of Magelang Asylum: A Social History of Colonial Psychiatry in the Netherlands Indies, 1923-1942
Pieter van Foreest wetenschapsprijs 2017 
Huygens-Descartes Scriptieprijs 2015 (nominated)
IISG-Volkskrant Scriptieprijs 2015 (nominated) 

Didi van Trijp, Spheres in Verse: Cosmological Practices in Early Seventeenth Century Amsterdam
Elsevier/Johan de Witt-scriptieprijs 2015

Martin Walker, Irenicism in Seventeenth-Century English Thought, With Special Reference to English Natural Philosophy
GSNS Scriptieprijs 2015 (nominated)

Noortje Jacobs, Which Principles, Doctor? The early crystallization of clinical research ethics in the Netherlands, 1947-1955
Descartes-Huygens Scriptieprijs 2013
Pieter van Foreest wetenschapsprijs 2013

Students who write an excellent master's thesis can be awarded a thesis award. As a master's student at Utrecht University, you can win two different thesis awards.

Best Master's thesis

During the start of the academic year, the rector magnificus awards one student for Best Master's Thesis. A Director of Education or Research Director of the Master’s programme can nominate a student for the award Best Master's Thesis. The student has to meet certain specific criteria.


Nominees need to meet certain specific criteria. The submitted graduate thesis must for instance have received a mark of at least an 8.5. You cannot submit your thesis yourself; the thesis has to be submitted by the Director of Education or the Research Director of the Master’s programme for which the thesis was written.

Every year, the deadline for nominating candidates is June 1st.

Look at the full list of criteria on this UU page.

The award ceremony of the Vliegenthart Thesis Prize 2018

Vliegenthart Master's thesis price

Every year, the Utrecht University Fund awards the Vliegenthart Thesis Prize. Its aim is to annually showcase an exceptional talent to the outside world in general and the alumni community in particular.
The prize involves the sum of € 2,000 and is awarded in turn to the disciplines of Humanities, Life Sciences, Science and Social and Behavioural Sciences.