Student Government and participation
Give your opinion
- By filling in the course evaluations you can give points for improvement for specific courses;
- In the National Student Survey (NSE), you can give your opinion on all aspects of the programme and Utrecht University’s facilities;
- Visit the student representative in the representative advisory body (provided in the yellow drop-box) and present your suggestion;
- Do you have a complaint or objection? See Complaints, objections and appeals.
- Do you not know who to turn to with a question, remark or complaint about the university? Then ask your question at the student government desk on Facebook. You will receive an answer within one work day. The desk makes sure your problem gets sent to the appropriate student governance body, which will then keep you updated on their progress in solving it.
Bodies within the faculty of Science
Student organizations
- Vidius: supports all students who are active in employee participation at Utrecht University
- LSVB (National Student Union): federation of 23 student unions
- ISO (Interurban Student Consultation): largest national student union in the Netherlands
Scholarship for student members in university bodies
Do you want to become active in a university administrative or participation body? Then you may be entitled to financial support from Utrecht University in the form of a committee grant.