Digital Student Card

All students who are enrolled at Utrecht University receive a digital student card. You will find this in the My-UU app. It states the degree programme in which you are enrolled and the period of enrolment. Always make sure you have the latest version of the app, so that it works properly.
You use your student card in order to prove that you are enrolled at Utrecht University, for example when using university facilities or as proof of identification when sitting exams.
MyUU App
In the MyUU-app you have everything in one place: your timetable, grades ánd your student card. You can log in to the app with your Solis-id. If you do not yet have the app, you can download it in the:
When do you receive your student card?
You will receive your student card when your (re-)enrolment is successful. In other words:
- you have submitted a request for (re-)enrolment.
- you have met all admission and enrolment requirements.
- you have arranged the payment of your tuition fees.
Is everything in order? Then the Central Student Administration will send you a confirmation email within one week that you are officially enrolled and your student card is ready. So keep a close eye on your email and spam folder. You will no longer receive anything by post!
Student card not visible
Have you received the confirmation email that you are enrolled, but you do not see your student card in the app? Then please contact the IT Service Desk. Have you received no confirmation email at all? Please contact Student Services to check your enrolment. Do not forget to check your spam folder, make sure your Studielink email address is up-to-date and change it if necessary.
No photograph
If you do not see a passport photo on your student card, you can upload a photograph (pdf) of a maximum of 100 KB in OSIRIS.
What do you use the student card for?
You use your student card in order to prove that you are enrolled at Utrecht University, for example:
- when visiting the university.
- at other institutions (e.g. DUO).
- when using university facilities (e.g. attend lectures).
You simply show your student card in the MyUU app. You may also always be asked to show valid proof of identification (ID card or passport). For example when sitting exams.
Student card offline
Also without an internet connection or abroad can you find your student card in the My-UU app, provided you have logged in at least one time previously. Make sure you have at least version 1.8, because this feature does not work properly in earlier versions. If you do not have a (right kind of) smartphone, can not use the app or prefer a paper version, you can download (and print) a Statement of Enrolment in OSIRIS.
Take a look at to our frequently asked questions. If you can not find the answer to your question here, you can contact Student Services.