Board of Examiners

All Bachelor's programmes of the Faculty of Science are part of the Undergraduate School (UGS). The UGS has its own Education and Examination Regulations (EER). The Board of Examiners ensures correct compliance with the EER and consists of a central Board of Examiners and Executive Panels (in Dutch: 'Kamers'). The members of the central Board can be found on the page Organisation.

Requests Board of Examiners

At some point during your studies, you may need permission from the Examination Board. For example, to request an exemption, to take a specific course or to request permission to take a resit after illness. The Board of Examiners UGS is mandated by law to uphold the quality of tests and exams within the School.

Many practical issues of the Board of Examiners are delegated to the Executive Panel. In most cases, this is your first point of contact for questions and for submitting requests.

Requests to the Board of Examiners of Pharmacy

The Executive Panel of Pharmacy assesses requests for special regulations for the study programme of CPS students, such as exemptions, credit transfer, provision for testing in special cases, etc.


Dr. AH. (Anneke) van Houwelingen, Chairman
Dr. C.F. (Rene) van Nostrum
Dr. Ir. D.T.S. (Dirk) Rijkers
Dr. R.W. (Rolf) Sparidans, vice-chairman
Drs. M.J.A. (Manon) Thijssen, Secretary

The Board of Examiners of Pharmacy (B) assesses requests for special arrangements regarding the study program of students. Would you like to submit a request for this? You do this via Osiris Student. In Osiris Student, select My Stuff; Start Business; General; and then 'Request to Board of Examiners for Science - Bachelors'. Within this case you choose the type of request you want to submit.

Please note: do not upload any confidential (medical) information in Osiris, but discuss this with the study advisor if applicable.

For other questions to the Board of Examiners, please contact the official secretary of the Board of Examiners CPS: