Research project

The Research project (CPS380) is about performing your own project in a research group. You will have a daily supervisor from your research group. Besides you will follow 5 till 6 meetings about general aspects of writing and presenting research results.

CPS380 itself is compulsory, the subject of your research project is free to choose within one of the Utrecht Life Sciences research groups.

Elements of the research project

  • Practical work
  • Writing a research article
  • Presenting the project and the results orally in the research group
  • Other common research activities, like attending group meetings

Timing and application

You can start with CPS380 after you have passed all mandatory major CPS level 1 and 2 courses.

You can start the research project twice a year, see the schedule.

The deadlines for application are as follows:

1.       June 15th for projects starting September (period 1),
2.       December 5th for projects starting February (period 3).

The Coordinator is dr. Monique Slijper.