Getting Started
This process is executed before the official start of your Research Project and is excluded from the duration of the Research Project.

Follow this checklist to get started with your Research Project:
First: attend the mandatory information session
The Research Project information sessions (also known as thesis information sessions) are organised once per period. Their purpose is to provide you with all information on how to best prepare for, start, conduct, and successfully complete your Research Project. Sometimes, the sessions also host an invited speaker (company supervisor, alumnus, or current student) to provide additional hands-on insight into the Research Project process.
You can find the date/time of each session by registering for its course code (INFOMTIMBI) in Osiris.
Please note: it is advisable to start the set-up process* in the education period before the period you would like to start your Research Project, i.e., two months in advance. More time may be necessary in case you plan to conduct your Research Project outside UU or the NL.
*How long the set-up process takes largely depends on how quickly a supervisor is found and a topic is agreed upon. The time that the set-up process takes is excluded from the duration of the Research Project.
Step 1: Find a project and supervisors
You can do an external or an internal (UU) project. In both cases, you need to take the initiative. See the tips below on how to successfully find a project.
Step 2: Define your Research Project
Together with your project supervisor/first examiner, describe your project's title, problem, aims, and research goals. Come up with a short textual description (about 200 words). Make clear arrangements and ensure you have a clear understanding with your project supervisor/first examiner concerning planning, deadlines, extra work, holidays, supervision meetings and so forth. In planning the timing of your Research Project, keep in mind the minimum duration of Part 1 (at least 10-11 weeks full-time) and Part 2 (at least 17-18 weeks full-time), and add appropriate extra time for holidays, absences, or part-time work on the project.
Extra step for projects outside UU or NL: prepare the internship contract
Read the instructions in the drop-down below.
Step 3: Submit your Research Project application form
- When you have found your subject and supervisors/examiners, you have to submit an application form via Osiris Student. Select ‘My Cases’, ‘Start a new case’, 'Thesis and graduation' and then ‘GSNS Research Project (Thesis)’.
- End date: In the form in Osiris Student, you set an end date for your project. The length of the Research Project in full-time weeks is 0.7 x the number of credits. Shift it to a later date if you work part-time during certain periods, for example because of courses, holidays, or work as a student assistant. A 7.5 EC course counts for 5 full-time weeks of work.
Other information you will need for the form are:
- Names of project supervisor/first examiner, second examiner and/or daily supervisor
- Your internship contract if you do a Research Project outside Utrecht University
- Planning of regular meetings with your supervisor(s)
- Workload per week
- Student absence
- Supervisor(s) absence
- Presentations to be held
- Group meetings to be attended
- Number of EC and if applicable; whether you are doing a regular or extended thesis
Important: to apply correctly, you must have discussed the project setup with your intended project supervisor/first examiner beforehand. We advise you to study the application form before you discuss it with your project supervisor/first examiner or fill it out together to make sure that it includes all the required information.
Step 4: Wait for approval
After submitting the application form in Osiris Student, your form will be forwarded to the Student Desk, your supervisor(s) and second examiner, the programme coordinator and finally, the Board of Examiners for checks and approvals. You may be asked for modifications, should they find any problems with the form. You will be notified of this via e-mail.