Other people and services
Here you will find the contact details of other people that are involved in your programme and some of the other services Utrecht University offers.
Graduation related issues
For graduation related issues you can contact the graduation coordinator, dr. Fabiano Dalpiaz.
- Email address: F.Dalpiaz@uu.nl
- Telephone number: 030 253 5913
- Address: Buys Ballot Building, room 580
Student assistantships
For studentassistantships you can contact the education director dr. Jeroen Fokker.
- Email address: J.D.Fokker@uu.nl
- Telephone number: 030 253 4118
- Address: Buys Ballot Building, room 568
Still can't find the person you are looking for? In the list of people you can find all other people of the Utrecht University.
Student Services provides information regarding matters such as application, enrolment, Studielink, tuition fees and scheduling appointments with student counsellors. Contact Student Services.
The Skills Lab is there to help you if you'd like to know more about developing your academic skills or if you encounter any problem during your studies. We try to map out as clearly as possible what's on offer in terms of trainings, workshops, classes, individual guidance and tools.
Skills Lab
Heidelberglaan 3
University Library, 2nd floor
Email: skillslab@uu.nl
Phone: 030 253 6300
The Facilities Service Centre (FSC) is responsible for providing facility services at Utrecht University, such as catering, room hire, cleaning, waste removal, post and transport, building care and maintenance.
Do you have a question or do you want to report a failure?
- Fill out the self-service portal
- Call the FSC Service Desk via (030-253) 95 95.
- Send a What's App message: 06 - 1003 4493.
- Visit one of the service points in the city centre or the Utrecht Science Park. You can also ask questions about wifi, printers and UU computers.
- Service point Janskerkhof 2-3a
- Service point Androclus building - Yalelaan 1
- Service point Educatorium - Leuvenlaan 19
- Service point Victor J. Koningsberger building - Budapestlaan 4a-b
- Service point Vening Meinesz building - Princetonlaan 8
Study Associations are responsible for the sale of textbooks, syllabuses and lecture notes, the organisation of the Science+ Career day, training and workshops, and the introduction days for freshers. Board members of Study Associations are often also active participants in Department and/or Faculty committees. In addition to these official responsibilities, the associations organise a variety of informal and fun activities for you to participate in. Find the several associations on the Study Associations page.
Still can't find what you're looking for? Try searching the A-Z Facilities List which contains an overview of Utrecht University's facilities.