For students interested in research, the MSc degree provides the opportunity to start a PhD research project in any of the related topics at a university in the Netherlands or abroad. Such positions are regularly available within Utrecht University. There are ample contacts with other universities as well, partly through the nationwide Dutch research school SIKS (School for Knowledge and Information Systems). Some positions are sponsored by companies or the Dutch research council. Graduates may also find challenging positions in R&D departments of international companies, governments, and the banking and insurance sectors.
Doing a PhD
If you have completed your Master's programme, and you are enthusiastic about doing research in your field, then maybe doing a Doctorate (PhD) will interest you. A Doctor’s degree is the highest academic degree awarded by a Dutch university. You start as 'assistant in training' (aio) or 'researcher in training' (oio).
At Utrecht University
At Utrecht University you take part in education in one of the Graduate Schools and often also teach students. During the four-year PhD programme you work under the guidance of a professor on creating a research project that results in a dissertation or a series of articles in scientific journals. You can search for positions on research projects on offer or a position whereby you are free to submit your own research proposal. Read more on doing a PhD at Utrecht University.
Other options
The best way to find a PhD position is through networking with the professor in the field you wish to specialize. Another option is to search via Here you can also find more information on doing PhD research in the Netherlands.