Introduction activities

This website has not yet been updated. The dates for the introduction period in February 2025 are as follows:

  • The Startweek stage/baan – for students starting Professional in Praktijk 1/Teaching Practice 1 - takes place from Monday, January 27 through Thursday, January 30, 2025.
  • The Startdag eerstegraads module - for students starting Professional in Praktijk 2/Teaching Practice 2 - takes place on Tuesday, January 28, 2025.
  • The Opening Session for new students of the two-year Master’s programmes Education and Communication will take place during the first week(s) of the semester. Days and times are yet to be determined. As soon as they are known, they will be published here.

Check the Intro GST Flowchart (pdf, in Dutch) to determine which introduction you are expected to attend in due course.

The GST and the Faculty of Science organize different activities based on the different types of study programmes and student groups. If you are unsure which activities you are expected to attend, please check the homepage or the Flowchart intro GST (pdf, in Dutch).

Click below on the activities for more detailed information.

Introduction activities for all other GST programmes

For information about the activities organised for students of all other GST programmes, please visit the Dutch version of this website.