Newtonlaan 201

Newtonlaan 201, 3584 BH Utrecht. Postadres: Newtonlaan 231, 3584 BH Utrecht
Opening hours
This building accommodates all researchers, lecturers and secretariats of the Law Department.
In this building
- Departement Rechtsgeleerdheid
- Restaurant
Getting there
By Public Transport
Nearest bus stop: Rijnsweerd Noord
Get off at Utrecht Central Station.
From there, take the bus to the Rijnsweerd Noord bus stop.
Car Park
Visitors can use the building's car park or use:
From there take a bus to the Rijnsweert Noord bus stop.
Disabled parking space
Location: in the parking garage on the right hand side of the building.
Make a reservation via e-mail.
Bicycle Parking
Location: on the left hand side of the building.
Note: steep slope present.
Accessibility and inclusion
Main entrance
Wheelchair friendly
Location: at the eastern of the building.
Type: large revolving doors and regular automatic door.
Note: the revolving doors turn relatively fast. Please use the doorbel to have the front desk open the regular door.
Location section A: from the main entrance turn right and after 20 meters turn right again. Then after 8 meters take the second door on the left.
Range: 8/8 floors.
Wheelchair Accessibility
Accessible toilet
Location: room 1A.06 on the first floor. Leave the elevator of section A and turn left through the white door. Then turn left around the corner and take the second door on the left hand side.
Note: the connecting doors between the elevator halls are quite heavy.
Location: via the security office. From the main entrance turn right and you will find the office after 30 meters. Tel. 0613034780
Lactation, first aid or quiet room
Lactation room in 5A.10
Location: on the fifth floor. Leave the elevator and turn left and then left again. Then turn right after 5 meters and after another 5 meters take the second door on the left.
Facilities: sink, chair and refrigerator.