Wi-Fi access for visitors changes from 16 January 2023

From 16 January 2023, the UU Visitor network (Wifi) for visitors will no longer be operational. Anyone not working at an educational institution, but who needs internet connection to participate in activities (e.g. a presentation or workshop) at the UU, must gain separate access to the wifi network. They can use eduroam Visitor Access (eVA) via a guest account.

UU-visitor is an open wifi network that provides internet access for anyone without a Solis-id. The network is now outdated and no longer meets current user requirements and security standards and will therefore be shut down from 16 January 2023.

eduroam Visitor Access (eVA) for visitors

Visitors to the University can temporarily access the eduroam guest network: eduroam Visitor Access (eVA). This offers more possibilities on the internet and extra security as it is a closed network. All University staff and students can give visitors temporary access to eVA.

Obtaining an account can be done in several ways:

  • Via SMS: In a number of public areas at UU, TV screens show a keyword and a phone number. The visitor sends a text message with the keyword to the specified phone number. The login details are then sent to the visitor. Access is valid all day.
  • Via a contact person at the UU: Every UU employee and student can create a temporary guest account for a visitor. This is done via the portal https://eva.eduroam.nl (read the manual here). Logging in with Solis-id and password is mandatory.

Visitors of other research and educational institutions already have access to eduroam

Staff and students at research and educational institutions can use the eduroam network to access the internet anywhere, anytime. If they have already set up eduroam on their device (e.g. laptop or phone), they are automatically connected to eduroam at UU. They do not need to do anything.

If you want to give visitors access to eduroam, please read the eduroam Visitor Access (eVA) manual.


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