USC’s public apology for contentious list published

The Utrechtsch Studenten Corps (USC) has published a public apology (in Dutch) in response to the circulation of a contentious list on which female students were sexually ‘reviewed’ by name. The list originated from members of USC.

The list prompted Utrecht University (UU) and Utrecht University of Applied Sciences (HU) to announce sanctions imposed on USC. These include the immediate termination of subsidies until at least the end of this calendar year, and barring participation of USC representatives at official UU/HU events. Additionally, the USC board must deliver a plan by May 1st aimed at improving social safety and implement it with the utmost care thereafter.

Rector Henk Kummeling said that the creation and distribution of the list ‘exceeds the limits of what is permissible’. UU and HU have announced to closely monitor the progress and effectiveness of the implementation of the plan that USC must deliver by May 1st.

Meanwhile, it became clear last weekend that a second list of names and private information is circulating. The police are investigating its origin. UU is in contact with several associations whose members are on this list and will support the associations and affected individual students with advice and professional counseling if required.

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