Transnational online learning in CHARM-EU: Call for students
Would you like to take part in an innovative European learning experience? Applications are now open for the transnational online courses provided by CHARM-EU partner universities for Bachelor's and Master's students interested in expanding their academic portfolio and gaining international learning experience.
During the Spring & Summer Semester of the 2023/2024 academic year, CHARM-EU universities will provide access to a certain set of their hybrid/ on-line courses for the students at the partner universities to facilitate virtual exchange activities. This way, students will get first-hand transnational experience without physical mobility. The credits of the online courses can be recognized in line with the standard procedures of the home university.
If you are ready for an international university challenge and interested in becoming an international student, you are a perfect candidate. Check the offered courses in our course catalogue below and apply now. The deadline of application is 24 January, 2024.
See what courses are available and how to sign-up on the website of CHARM-EU.