To the movies or VR escaperoom for free!

Would you like to catch a movie - for free? During the Privacy & Security Parade, students and staff may watch the films below for free. They both deal with themes of security and control. You can also participate in a VR escaperoom with other students.

Tuesday 28 January

Movie: The Truman Show 

Sit back and relax in the theatre auditorium at Parnassos, and watch the Truman show. A compelling and humorous classic in which Truman slowly discovers that his whole life is a global reality show. There will be free drinks during the interval.

  • Location: City Center, Parnassos, Kruisstraat 201 (near Biltstraat)
  • Start: 15:00
  • Language: English, Dutch subtitles

VR Escaperoom

In 2999, a cyber attack threatens Earth with a meteorite storm and stolen privacy data. Your elite team must secure Space Station Tiberia and save the planet! You can join the VR Escape Room (individually or as a team) in one of six time slots. Check here for a sneak peek!

  • Location: Downtown, Janskerkhof 3, room 1.09/1.10.
  • Start: every hour, from 10:00 am until the end of the day. One session lasts 1 hour.

Wednesday, 29 January

Movie: Citzenfour 

Join the cinema for a probing and award-winning documentary experience with Citizenfour, in which you will see up close how Edward Snowden brought out the biggest revelation of mass surveillance in history.

  • Location: USP - Marinus Ruppertgebouw, lecture room Blauw (blue).
  • Start: 15:00
  • Language: English, Dutch subtitles

VR Escaperoom

In 2999, a cyber attack threatens Earth with a meteorite storm and stolen privacy data. Your elite team must secure Space Station Tiberia and save the planet! You can join the VR Escape Room (individually or as a team) in one of six time slots. Click here for a preview!

  • Location: USPAdministration Building  - 0.33C & 0.33D (BG)
  • Start: every hour, from 10:00 am until the end of the day. One session lasts 1 hour.


Please let us know if you are coming, as places are limited! You can register via this form (search for filmvertoning).