These students are the nominees for the GW thesis awards 2023
The MA and RMA students who are eligible for the annual Humanities thesis prizes have been announced. The two winners, who will receive a certificate and €500, will be revealed during the faculty opening of the academic year on September 5th. The jury is currently reading the nominated theses.
The nominees
Academic Masters
- Marissa Schut (Gender Studies): The (R)Evolution of the Menstrual Cycle: The Spiritual and Queer Perspectives of the Menstrual Movement in Conversation
- Elle Zwinkels (Gender Studies): “Suddenly Seymour: The Girl That’s Inside You”: Voice, Gender, and Trans* in Musical Theater
- Jarne van der Poel (Geschiedenis van Politiek en Maatschappij): “Heerma, Not Like This!”: Social Housing, Neoliberal Reform and Resistance in the Netherlands 1986-1995
- Eva Krikke (Applied Ethics): “But They Do It Too” – The Dutch National Police and Real-time Facial Recognition Technology
- Nour el Houda Ghazlane (Professioneel vertalen): De selectie van literair vertalers Engels-Nederlands (2000-2022)
Research Masters
- Marlon Kruizinga (Philosophy): Staying True to Rebellion: Extracting Political Principles from Albert Camus’ Post-Existentialism
- Moira de Kok (Musicology): Sounds of Solidarity: Music in the 1984-85 Miners’ Strike
- Nelleke Tanis (History): An Epidemic and Its Aftermath: Cholera in Utrecht, 1866
- Linde Lammers (Nederlandse literatuur en cultuur): Postkoloniale herinneringsmakers: De representatie van de Indonesische Onafhankelijkheidsoorlog (1945-1949) in Alfred Birneys De tolk van Java en Jim Taihuttu’s De Oost
The jury
The jury members who will select the winners are representatives from each of the departments:
- Ingrid Hoofd (chair), Assistant Professor Media and Performance Studies (MCW)
- Marijke Huisman, Assistant Professor Public History, Education and Civic Engagement (GKG)
- Laurens Ham, Assistant Professor Modern Dutch Literature (TLC)
- Jesse Mulder, researcher Theoretical Philosophy (F&R)