Take part in the survey for social safety in higher education

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Improving social safety in higher education is a key issue in the coming years. Among other things, minister Bruins wants to improve facilities for student and staff complaints and reports. In this context, OCW has asked for a survey on reporting and complaint facilities in higher education. This study is being conducted by Andersson Elffers Felix (AEF) and the Kohnstamm Institute.

This questionnaire is part of this study. With the questionnaire, we want to gain insight into the experience of employees with the functioning of these facilities. The insights from the questionnaires provide input for improving the reporting and complaint facilities for social safety in higher education.

Utrecht University is participating in this study because social safety is an important issue for us and in recent years we have invested in good reporting and complaint facilities.

This questionnaire is part of this survey. The questions are intended for all students. The aim is to gain insight into students experience with the functioning of these facilities. The insights from the questionnaires provide input for improving reporting and complaint facilities social safety in higher education. Completing the questionnaire will take up to 10-15 minutes.