Searching by theme in the Course Planner

Are you looking for a special course outside your study programme, but don't feel like browsing through all sorts of exam programmes? From now on, you can also search by theme in the Course Planner.
You can search the entire range of courses offered by Utrecht University. For practical reasons, not all faculties are participating yet, but from next year onwards, all faculties will be connected. For example, the Humanities courses are not yet linked to themes.
How does it work?
On the Course Planner's start page, you can select one or more exam programmes as well as themes. Under the theme Technology and Society, for example, you will find all courses related to technology such as social media and privacy. Ideal when choosing which optional courses to do! Not satisfied with the selection? Then go back to the selection page and choose another theme.
For each course you can see to which (sub-)themes and exam programmes the course is linked. This will help you easier find themes and courses that may be of interest to you.
Have your say about the updated Course Planner
If you have a suggestion about the new Course Planner or if you want to comment on the themes, please let us know via! We are looking forward to your feedback so we can make this new way of searching even better.
Themes and sub-themes
The themes are subdivided into topic, form and competence. Most themes also have sub-themes, which allow you to search further in the list of possible electives.
- Sustainability
- Youth
- Open Society, Diversity
- Globalisation
- Body and mind
- Digitalisation
- Technology and society
- Interdisciplinary
- Community Engaged Learning
- Honours
- Entrepreneurship
- Create working format
- Intercultural
- Open Science
Sub-themes Topics
Sustainability |
Youth |
Open Society, Diversity |
Globalisation |
Body and mind |
Digitalisation |
Technology and society |
Sub-themes Form
Interdisciplinary |
Community Engaged Learning | - |
Honours | - |
Entrepreneurship |
Create working format | - |
Sub-themes Competences
Intercultural |
Open Science |