Science students receive prizes from KHMW
On 25 November, The Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW) presented 68 incentive awards to first-year students and 28 graduation awards to Master's students. There was one Utrecht University Faculty of Science winner among the Master's thesis awards and six among the incentive awards this year.
The following UU students won an incentive award (500 euro):
- Hugo Linders | Category: Physics and Applied Physics
- Mitchell Rikken | Category: Chemistry
- Nada Belhad | category: Pharmacy or (Bio)pharmaceutical Sciences
- Jasmijn van Haaster | category: Biology
- Rik van der Burg | Category Mathematics and Technical Mathematics
- Iris Scheepstra | Category: Computer Science and Technical Informatics
Thesis awards for Life Sciences, second place (2.000 euro)
- Wytze den Toom for his thesis ‘Intramitochondrial hydrogen peroxide production induces a p53-dependent G0/G1 cell cycle arrest in RPE1 cells’
About KHMW
Founded in 1752, The Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW) seeks to bridge the gap between science and society by launching competitions, awarding scientific achievements and organising lectures and conferences.
More on the award ceremony and some pictures can be found on the KHMW website: Maar liefst 96 aanmoedigings- en afstudeerprijzen uitgereikt! | KHMW.