Roel Notten new Ombudsperson Students
From 21 August, Roel Notten (43) will be the Ombudsperson Students. This is a new position that Utrecht University will fill jointly with Eindhoven University of Technology.
New position
The Ombudsperson Students is a new position at UU. As a student, do you have a problem that arose during your studies? And does this lead to a question, dilemma or conflict in which the help of the complaints coordinator of the faculty or university did not offer a sufficient solution? Then you can request the help of the Ombudsperson Students. This makes the new position a so-called "second-line facility".
The Ombudsperson Students is independent and provides impartial advice and/or mediation. When necessary, the Ombudsperson Students will refer the student elsewhere within the university.
Roel Notten
Roel was also once a student at UU: he obtained a bachelor's degree in Sociology and a master's degree in International Relations. Meanwhile, he has gained a lot of relevant work experience, for instance as a Neighbourhood Mediator and as a Complaints Officer at ROC Midden Nederland.
Roel Notten's working hours are Monday and Tuesday from 09.00-13.00 in the Administration Building, Heidelberglaan 8. He can be reached at +31 6 39 58 68 47 and
Who can I turn to?
If you want to talk to someone in confidence at Utrecht University (UU), it can sometimes be difficult to know who can help you in the best way. Use this decision aid to see who to approach in which situation and what to expect.