Refurbishment tram stops Vaartsche Rijn-Utrecht Science Park

In the coming months, the Province of Utrecht will start work on refurbishing the tram stops on the Vaartsche Rijn - Utrecht Science Park route. In this way, they will better meet the wishes and needs of travellers. Think of better shelter with large canopies and good lighting at the stops.


From this coming 24 May, work will start on the UMC Utrecht stop. Subsequently, the Heidelberglaan and Padualaan stops will be refurbished. These works are expected to be completed in September. The tram route to the Utrecht Science Park will be quieter during this period because of the summer holidays. As a result, fewer passengers will be inconvenienced by the work. The other stops will be refurbished after September.

Work will take place on both weekdays and weekends. The construction of the shelters and all associated lifting work will take place during the weekends (Friday evening 10.30 pm - Monday morning 05.15 am). The finishing of the canopy and the installation of other elements (waste bins, check-in and check-out posts, light poles) will be carried out during the week. Incidental work may also be carried out at night, when the tram is not running.

Tram and bus stops out of service

During the works, the tram will basically run according to regular (summer) timetables. With the exception of some weeks where the tram passes but does not stop at a tram stop.

  • From 24 May - 2 June, no trams will stop at the UMC Utrecht stop. Tram passengers should therefore get on or off at the Heidelberglaan stop. Information staff from U-OV will accompany visitors at the UMC Utrecht stop to and from the bus stop.
  • From 5 July - 21 July, buses and trams will not stop at the Heidelberglaan stop. Bus passengers can use the Botanical Gardens bus stop and tram passengers can get on and off at the Padualaan stop.
  • From 16 August - 1 September, the tram will not stop at the Padualaan stop. Bus passengers will not be affected, but tram passengers can get off at the fully renovated Heidelberglaan stop.

Due to the works, it is advisable to check the travel planner for the current travel advice prior to your trip.

More information

Want to know more about who is carrying out the work and how exactly? You can find more information on the website of the Province of Utrecht (in Dutch).

Render of refurbished Heidelberglaan tram stop