Physics students at UU have won national Talent Award KHMW
Thee Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschap (KHMW) presents the Young Talent Award annually to promote scientific education in technical and science subjects.
Former master's student Rinske Alkemade received the 3rd prize of the Young Talent Award. The KHMW jury was very impressed by Rinske's thesis on "the movement of particles in a glassy material" and the fact that it already has been published in the Journal of Chemical Physics. Besides the Young Talent Award, Rinske also won the Thesis prize '22 of the Department of Physics at Utrecht University.
Lumen Eek received the 'Lorentz Master thesis award' for his thesis 'Topology and Disorder in non-Hermitian Physics'.
Niels Keukens received the Young Talent Incentive Award for Physics and Applied Physics because of his outstanding results in his first year.
Congratulations Rinske, Lumen and Niels!! 🎉