NSS 2023: students satisfied with UU
The foundation Studiekeuze 123 has published the results of the 2023 National Student Survey (NSS). All students will receive an e-mail about the results today. You can read about the most noteworthy results below.
A total of 10,807 UU students completed the survey this year, for a response rate of 28.2%. The last survey in 2022 had a response rate of 29.5%, so the rate has decreased by 1.3%.
General satisfaction
The students gave their study programme and the university as a whole a score of 4.0 (4.0 in 2022). Both the Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes showed the same trend. Bachelor’s students gave their study programme an average rating of 4.0, and Master’s students rated theirs at 3.9 (the scores for 2022 were 4.0 and 3.9, respectively).
Other survey subjects
Compared to the last edition, students in general seem equally satisfied with the subjects Involvement & contact (4.0), Testing & assessment (3.7), Lecturers (3.9) and Content & structure (3.9). For the subjects of Content & structure, Involvement & contact and Study Supervision, the UU scores higher than the average of the comparable institutions*.
Detailed results coming soon
This is the first scan of the results, and more detailed figures will provide a clearer picture of possible areas of improvement over the long term. In time, you will find the factsheet with all of the results for each study programme here.
More information
If you have any questions or comments about the National Student Survey 2023, please feel free to send an e-mail to: student@nse.nl or check out www.studiekeuze123.nl.
*comparable universities Radboud University Nijmegen, University of Groningen, University of Leiden, University of Amsterdam, VU Amsterdam.