International online course Topics in comparative philosophy

Would you be interested in participating in the international online course “Topics in comparative philosophy? It is taught this coming Fall 2022, on Tuesdays 1.15 - 2.45 PM CET, starting on Oct. 4, by comparative philosophers from the following universities: Utrecht university (NL), Tallinn University (Estonia), Pedagogical University of Krakow (Poland), Vilnius University (Lithuania), the University of Hildesheim (Germany), the University of Leiden (the Netherlands), and Sun Yat-sen University (PRC), including University College Utrecht lecturer Chiara Robbiano, who received a Virtual International Collaboration (Virtuele Internationale Samenwerking) grant to organize and co-teach this course.

It will present core topics in social, political, and moral philosophy, philosophy of mind, metaphysics, and epistemology, and from a variety of cross-cultural perspectives, among which Indian, Greek, Chinese, and Japanese. We will discuss various models of mind, interdependence, continuous decentering, and interrogate the concepts of morality and law, nation and tradition from a variety of philosophical perspectives, in dialogue with other disciplines such as quantum physics, neuroscience, and politics. Please find the topics of each week here.

Each week a lecture (live or pre-recorded) will be followed by an extensive Q&A session online — the link to the lectures will be published on this google doc — in which participants will be able to listen to and interact with professors of comparative philosophy and students at other universities. The students at different universities will have opportunities to discuss among each other in small groups in dedicated sessions.

This course is open to all UCU students and alumni. If you want to participate, please send Chiara Robbiano ( a short motivation (around 100-150 words), in the body of your email, by 15 September, 2022. The course starts on October 4th, 1.15 PM CET.

Both UCU students and alumni can apply to participate by sending their short motivation mail, but alumni cannot submit a paper and receive credits.
The following info is relevant only to UCU students. If you do all preparations, attend the lectures, join the student discussions, and write a paper of 1500-2000 words on one of the topics discussed in the lectures (or a related topic) you will get a “pass” worth of 2,5 honours EC (not to be used towards the 180EC needed for graduation, but e.g. towards the honours certificate). The deadline for submitting the paper by email to Chiara is December 13, 2022.