Idea for education together with a societal organisation? Submit a proposal
Utrecht University wants to educate students that contribute to a better world and solving societal challanges. Students and with ideas for educational projects focused on social issues can apply for a grant of the support fund for Community Engaged Learning (CEL) together with a teacher to realise this project.
What is Community Engaged Learning?
Community Engaged Learning (CEL) at the Universiteit Utrecht is an educational form in which a community of shared concerns, consisting of students, teachers and social partners, raises hard questions about societal issues, large and small, and seeks creative solutions through sustained contact and reciprocal commitment to each other. This form of shared exploration and mutual learning is a means to a larger end: connecting university and society in a long-term relationship.
The support fund
Do you have an idea for a collaboration? Then you can now apply for a grant together with a teacher of at most €4.000 euro for an educational project that is aimed at (further) developing Community Engaged Learning at Utrecht University. Students submit their proposal together with one or more teachers to ensure the project can be embedded within the curriculum. In the complete regulations you can find more information on the grant and its criteria. Please submit your proposal before 1 May 2023 12 p.m., via email to Applicants will hear within a month whether their proposal has been accepted. Are you not able to make the deadline of 1 May? The next deadline for submitting a proposal is 1 November 2023.
More information
Do you want to know more about the support fund or do you have questions about your submission? You can send an email to
Wondering what students and teachers think of CEL? Then watch the video below.