Guidelines ChatGPT

It is now common knowledge that ChatGPT is capable of generating accurate texts based on a question (“ prompt”). Currently, we are surveying university-wide what the possibilities and risks are.

The following is already clear: if a student uses an AI tool (such as ChatGPT or a similar tool)  to generate texts and then presents these as his/her own work for an assessment (this includes a thesis or dissertation), this will be marked as fraud. Such use AI is therefore not permitted. After all, it is important that you yourself are able to process knowledge and report on it in a convincing text (essay, pleading paper, research report, etc.) and that you can account for it. So please read the two principles below.

In the coming period, we want to explore (with you) what (permissible) possibilities and risks exist and how such tools like ChatGPT could be used for the benefit of teaching and studying. We will do this university-wide. If you have your own ideas and experiences about this, please let us know by sending an email to:   


  1. The use of an AI tool (such as ChatGPT or a similar tool)  is regarded as fraud if a student generates texts with it and presents them as his/her own work for the purpose of a summative or formative assessment such as an examination, an essay, thesis or dissertation (or parts thereof), cf. art. 5.15 section 1 OER (BA/ art. 5.16 section 1 MA).
  2. The obligation to be active in and be prepared for classes (art. 4.5 OER-BA/4.3 OER-MA) is considered not to have been met if a student has only (or to a predominant extent) used an AI tool (such as ChatGPT or a similar tool) for preparation and presents the preparations as his own work.