Enrol now in the Da Vinci Programme

In this programme, you will have the opportunity to engage in a learning experience that prepares you to become a changemaker, a connector, and an innovator who can contribute to the transition to a sustainable world. In collaboration with the private and public sectors and in multidisciplinary teams, you will tackle contemporary sustainability challenges. The programme offers  challenges to choose from. It also offers:

  • Knowledge, soft and hard skills, and the right mindset to tackle sustainability challenges.
  • Experience in interdisciplinary research, stakeholder management, and other leadership skills.
  • Practice creative thinking, building and testing prototypes, and critical reflection.

This course is for master’s students and takes place from 9 September 2024 to 7 February 2025. The registration deadline is 21 June 2024.

A strategic alliance for the future

As a student of TU/e, WUR, or UU, you are part of an alliance that helps students collaborate across their own disciplines and solve complex problems in health, food, energy, and sustainability.

Expand Your Horizon with EduXchange

Do you want to take a course at another university without the hassle of paperwork? Visit EduXchange.nl and explore the courses offered by the alliance of Eindhoven University of Technology, Wageningen University & Research, Utrecht University, and UMC Utrecht, and enrol in just a few simple steps.

Simple registration

Through EduXchange, you can easily enrol at another university. Your achieved results will also be automatically sent to your home institution.

Broaden your curriculum

You can do this by choosing courses from various alliance universities. The platform offers a wide range of courses, and the offerings will continue to grow.

These registration periods are or will soon be open:

WUR: from the 1st of June (for the entire academic year)
TU/e: from the 15th of June (for courses between September 2024 and January 2025)
UU: from the 3rd of June to 21st of June