Dialogue meeting for UMC Utrecht students in response to unrest in the world
The unrest in the world affects everyone. Especially the violent conflict in the Middle East dominates the media and conversations. How do we make space for feelings of powerlessness and sadness? How can we continue to connect with each other in these challenging times?
For the students of UMC Utrecht, there is a dialogue meeting on Friday, December 15, from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM. The purpose is to listen to each other's feelings and thoughts, to understand each other as much as possible, and to support one another. The location of the meeting is the Urekazaal behind MiCaffè, accessible through the hall at the entrance of the Stratenum. At the end of the meeting, there will be snacks and drinks.
Musician, composer, and writer Merlijn Twaalfhoven creatively guides the meeting with music as a common thread. Merlijn says, "We cannot solve today's world problems with conventional methods. By looking at the world with an artist's mindset, we can break thought patterns, discover new perspectives, even when the situation seems hopeless."
Would you like to participate? You are very welcome. Due to a maximum number of participants, it is necessary to register via this form. In case of high interest, we may consider organizing an additional meeting. If you have any questions about the meeting, you can email studentbegeleiding@umcutrecht.nl.
Where can you seek support now?
If you need support earlier, please contact the psychosocial care team. We also want to inform you about our Silence Center, a place where you can catch your breath through quietness, meditation, or prayer. The Silence Center is located behind the shops near the main exit and is open day and night. You can also check the student website under Support and Development for more information about the guidance circle of your program.
Arno Hoes, Dean
Berent Prakken, Vice Dean
The program directors of the faculty: Annet van Royen, Gönül Dilaver, Ellen Koster, Harold van Rijen, Kiene Brillenburg Wurth