A warm winter coat for kids in exchange for your old IT hardware

This winter, thousands of children in Utrecht are going to school without a warm coat because parents do not have money for a winter coat. Foundation "Leergeld Utrecht" helps these children. The UU also want to help this foundation: and we need your old personal hardware to do so!


On 8 or 10 November, your old private laptop, phone or tablet will be worth a coat

Old IT equipment such as a laptop, monitor, computer, phone or tablet is often still worth money. A lot of people still have these in the attic or in storage, gathering dust. Now is the time to do something usefull with it! On Tuesday 8 and Thursday 10 November, you can hand in your old appliance at a truck of the company Argo360 at the back of the administration building. Argo360 is the company that also handles the recycling of UU hardware. The residual value of all private hardware handed in will be donated by UU to Foundation Leergeld Utrecht.

Your device will be completely erased

Of course, we recommend that you check whether you still have data on your old device that you still need, and then erase it. But don't worry: Argo360 professionally erases all data from returned equipment (such that it is impossible to ever recover the data). Any questions? Then please contact Rob Iseger.

What hardware can I bring?

You can bring the following hardware: 

  • Laptops
  • Fixed computers (cupboards)
  • Monitors
  • Phones and tablets
  • Old hard drives (these will be securely destroyed for you on site, SSD drives will be reused)
  • Floppy disks, tapes, zip disks, and compact discs
  • Photo cameras