Leonard S. Ornstein Laboratory

Princetonplein 1, 3584 CC Utrecht, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 30 253 7540 (service point)
The entrance is located at the Victor J. Koningsberger building.
The university premises are smoke-free.
Opening hours
In this building
- Faculty of Science
- Department of Physics
- Department of Chemistry
- Interfacultair Reactor Institute TU Delft (Utrecht)
- Debye Institute
Getting there
By Public Transport
Nearest bus stop: Botanische Tuinen
Nearest tram stop: Padualaan
Get off at Utrecht Central Station.
From there, take a bus to the Botanische Tuinen stop or trm 22 tot the Padualaan stop.
Bicycle Parking
Accessibility and inclusion
Main entrance
Wheelchair accessible
Location: on the east side of the building, overlooking the Princetonplein.
Type: regular door.
Note: access card required. A wheelchair ramp is available.
Location: after entering the main entrance turn right into the corridor. Turn left after 6 meters into the stairwell. The elevator is on the left hand side.
Reach: 3 of 3 floors.
Wheelchair Accessibility
Accessible Toilet
Location: go to the first floor. After leaving the elevator turn left twice. After 10 meters the toilet is on the left hand side.
Not present
Contact Victor J. Koningsberger building
Lactation, first aid or quiet room
Not present
Nearest: Victor J. Koningsberger building