You can graduate when all your study results are listed in Osiris and you meet all the requirements of your programme. When this is the case, you will automatically receive an email from the Board of Examiners. Want to know if you are ready to graduate? Then check the steps on this page.
Step 1: Check if you meet the graduation requirements
Check the following to be sure you are ready to graduate.
Postpone graduation
Do you want to postpone your graduation? If so, you must submit a request for postponement to the board of examiners ( You can do this within two weeks after receiving the email that you have met the graduation requirements. This email will state detailed information about postponement.
Step 2: Approval Board of Examiners
The Board of Examiners will review whether you meet the graduation requirements every month. The verification date is the date on which the Board of Examiners checks whether you fulfilled the graduation requirements. Your graduation date is the last day of the month in which your final result is registered in Osiris. You can pick up your diploma approximately 2 weeks after the verification date.
Step 3: Reply to Graduation Email
If the Board of Examiners verifies that you have met all the graduation requirements, they will inform you by email. This email contains your graduation date and other information, such as terminating your enrolment and your student grant.
If you wish to participate in the Graduation Ceremony, please indicate this on the web form that will be linked in the email. You have five working days to return the form. Without this information it is not possible to participate in the Ceremony.
Step 4: receive your Diploma
If you have confirmed that you will attend the graduation ceremony (see step 3), you will collect your diploma at the ceremony.
Step 5: After your graduation
When you are about to graduate, there are a few things you have to keep in mind: