Student Government and participation
The department of Law has two Study Programme Committees, one for the Bachelor Degree and one for the Masters Degree. Each committee consists of professors and sudents, with the latter in general being appointed for the duration of one academic year. Both committees meet eight times a year.
Tasks of Study Programme Committees
The primary task of the Study Programme Committee is to ensure the education is of decent quality. As an advisory body, the Committee gives asked, and unasked, advice to the board of education and its director, with regard to all aspects of education, including, but not limited to, Education and Examination Regulations. Problems put forwards by students and/or staff are discussed in the Committee.
The student delagation protects the interest of all Law students by making a critical assessment of the quality and content of the programme, for instance by evaluating the education. They do this by using the results of surveys/course evaluations which are conducted at the end of each course. Furthermore, they participate in the Student Consultation Representative Advisory Committee that, for example, has frequent meetings with study associations.
An overview of the tasks and rights of the Study Programme Committees can be found in the Manual/Handbook Study Programme Committees Law.
Complaints and Remarks
In order to adequately perform the aforementioned tasks, it is important that students have the opportunity to bring forward complaints and remarks to the student members of the Programme Committees. Do you have a complaint or suggestion with regard to the courses, university facilities or another relevant subject? Do not hesitate to contact us!
Degree Programme Committee Master 2023-2024
Dr. Luca Pasquet
Master Public International Law
Dr. Luigi Prosperi
Master European Criminal Justice in a Global Context
Dr. Urszula Jaremba
Master European Law
Mr. dr. V. (Vasileios) Gerasopoulos
Master Global Criminology
Dr. Kelly Breemen
Master Intellectueel Eigendomsrecht, Innovatie en Technologie
Dr. Zlatina Georgieva
Master Law and Economics
Mr. dr. B.B. (Bram) Duivenvoorde
Master Law and Technology in Europe
Dr. Liping Dai
Master Law and Sustainability in Europe
Mr. dr. Christina Jeppesen de Boer
Legal Research Master
Mr. Hermen Reehuis
Master Notarieel recht
Mr. Ingeborg Meijer-Wagenaar
Master Onderneming en recht
Prof. dr. mr. Remme Verkerk
Master Privaatrecht
Prof. mr. Anoeska Buijze
Master Staats- en Bestuursrecht
Hylke Jellema
Master Strafrecht
Student members
Master European Law
Tom Ornek (
Master European Criminal Justice in a Global Context
Thirza Leinenga (
Master Global Criminology
Emma Trudel (
Master Law and Economics
Isabella Vanícola Dias Costa (
Master Law and Sustainability in Europe
Henrieke Bünger (
Master Law and Technology in Europe
Riaan Redelinghuys (
Legal Research Master
Annida Putri -
Master Intellectueel eigendomsrecht, innovatie en technologie
Annabel Schot (
Master Notarieel recht
Thijs Friedrichs (
Master Onderneming en recht
Isolde Hilberts (
Master Privaatrecht
Iris Mouthaan (
Master Public International Law
Giovanna Chirico (
Master Staats- en Bestuursrecht
Romy Leendertse (
Master Strafrecht
Crista Hardeman (
Koen Haex
Student member of the board of the School of Law
Dr. Brianne Mc Gonigle
Educational Director Master's, Board of the School of Law
Laura van Drie BSc
Secretary Educational Policy Law
The School of Law is working hard to monitor and improve the quality of its education continually. That is why we feel it is very important for students to give us their views, and it is here that course evaluations play a major role. In order to obtain a good and representative picture, it is important that enough students participate in course evaluations. So please fill in the evaluation as soon as you have received it!
The Director of Studies uses the course evaluations to check that the courses meet the necessary quality requirements. The evaluations also give teaching staff the opportunity to receive feedback on the various aspects of the course, such as tests, prescribed literature, forms of teaching etc.
The testing service of the Centre for Teaching and Learning (COLUU) conducts the evaluation. Staff at the testing service and the School of Law cannot trace back the respondents’ answers to an individual student. The evaluation programme uses the mail addresses supplied only to send invitations and reminders.
- Once you have received your invitation by email, log in and participate anonymously in the course evaluation.
- After a few weeks the evaluation will be closed and an evaluation report drawn up.
- Following this report, the course coordinator will draft a detailed response to the Director of Studies.
- Together with the teaching staff’s responses, the Director of Studies will assess all the reports and present them to the Education Committees.
- In the Education Committee students and staff will be given the opportunity to respond to the evaluations.
- If the results give reason for this, the Director of Studies will contact the course coordinator concerned to make agreements about plans for improvement. The course will be re-evaluated at the next evaluation, when the Director of Studies will check that the agreements made have been met.
- The results of the evaluations can be viewed via the evaluation programme. Often the course coordinator will write a response to the evaluation for students. You will receive this automatically by email, enabling you to find out what action is being taken following the course evaluation.
There are multiple ways in which you can give your opinion on your course and Utrecht University.
- By filling in the course evaluations you can give points for improvement for specific courses;
- In the National Student Survey (NSE), you can give your opinion on all aspects of the programme and Utrecht University’s facilities;
- You can also visit the student representative in the representative advisory body (provided in the yellow drop-box) and present any suggestions you might have;
- Do you have a complaint or objection? See Complaints, objections and appeals.
If you want to get involved in the board of a governing or representative body at Utrecht University, you may qualify for financial support from the University in the form of a compensation for board activities.
Would you like to think about how to improve university matters at a faculty level? Do you want to have a say on important decisions related to education, research and management? Do you also want to gain experience as a board / council member of an organization? Every year in spring you can put yourself up for elections for the Faculty Council. They are looking for motivated students to join the conversation on the future of the faculty.
Please note that you need to be able to speak Dutch to be elected to the council.
What is it about?
The Faculty Council (FC) constitutes 10 members of staff and 10 student members. The student members are elected annually. As a student member you will receive compensation worth 0.15 FTE. If you become the president of the student members and vice-chair, you will receive compensation worth 0.2 FTE. The council advises the faculty board when asked, as well as when they are not, and can vote on certain important matters such as the main lines of the faculty’s budget plan.
Who can get elected?
Every student of the Faculty Law, Governance and Economics can register to be a candidate for the FC elections. You can join a candidate list from your department or you can start a list of your own. EVERYONE can be a candidate!
There are three electorial districts:
- Student Department School of Law: 4 seats.
- Student Department U.S.E.: 3 seats.
- Student Department School of Governance: 3 seats.
How can you sign up to be a candidate for the elections?
You can sign up as a candidate during a set period at the start of each calendar year. The specific deadlines wil be communicated via email. You can ask any questions to secretary of the faculty board Keep an eye on the student website for information on registration deadlines and other announcements. Please note that deadlines are final and cannot be deviated from.
Useful documents: