No space is allocated specifically to internships in our new Master's programmes. This, however, does not mean students cannot do an internship on top of their regular course load.
Preferably, students do an internship after all the compulsory courses and required electives have been completed. We recommend this as then you will have no study delay, will continue to be a part of your Master's programme community, and do not have to reschedule any (feedback) meetings of the Research and Thesis Trajectory. When opting for this, students must submit a request for postponement of graduation to the Board of Examiners after completing the Research and Thesis Trajectory. An internship is considered as a valid reason for a deferral, and postponing your graduation will thus have no implications on your grades and overall assessment.
It is also possible to do a research internship for the purposes of your thesis or a relevant internship that cannot be done during another period of time during your Master's programme. In that case, you must discuss the suitability, time frame and the applicable rules with the Master's programme coordinator prior to the start of your internship
You may also chose to do an internship prior to starting your Master's programme. Even though it is not possible for Bachelor's students to let the internship count as an elective in their Bachelor's programme, you can choose to do an internship without having it registered as an elective.
- Ask a professor, who teaches in the field of your internship, to be your contact person and mentor for the duration of your internship. The internship coordinator can assist you with finding a suitable professor.
- Fill in the ‘Consent for the following internship as an optional course Master’ form. An English version of the form can be found here.
- Have the form signed by both your internship mentor and the internship coordinator. You must have consent prior to the start of your internship.
- Following your internship, have your internship mentor fill in the assessment form and plan an evaluation interview together with your mentor.
- Write a short internship essay (of approximately three pages) in which you describe the internship and the tasks you were given. Also elaborate on to what extent you have completed your tasks and include both positive and negative experiences at your internship.
- After finishing your portfolio (which includes the consent form, assessment form, short internship essay and any other documents related to your internship), plan a final meeting with your internship mentor to discuss your portfolio.
- An internship counts as an elective course worth 7.5 EC. The internship must be fulltime for the duration of at least six weeks. A part-time internship is also possible, but this must be at least three working days per week.
If you would like to do an internship abroad, there are some important matters to keep in mind, such as insurance, visa and funding. You can find more information regarding internships abroad on the website of Utrecht University.
Time frame and duration
- The internship must have a duration of at least 30 working days (or 8x30= 240 hours), during which you must work at least 3 days per week. If you work 3 days per week, the internship will be 10 weeks long.
- The internship will be credited as 7.5 EC.
Internship as part of the Master's programme
Requirements for consent
In order to acquire EC for an internship, the following requirements must be met:
- Consent has been given by the internship coordinator of the Master's programme prior to the start of the internship and the overall assessment of the internship is a ‘Pass’.
- The student is registered for the Master's programme or has applied for the upcoming start of a Master's programne at the UU Law department. Prior to the internship, the student has sought out consent of the internship coordinator of the Master's programme. The internship coordinator has signed the consent form and a professor has been assigned as an internship mentor. The student is not already – or has been in the past – an employee of the institution or company offering the internship.
The internship mentor makes the final assessment based on:
- a portfolio including an assessment form of the institution or company offering the internship, an internship essay written by the student, any final work or drafts the student has worked on during the internship.
- all procedural rules with regard to the portfolio can be found on our website.
- a final evaluation review with the internship coordinator.
There will be no final grade for the internship, only a ‘Pass’ or ‘Fail’ will be registered in Osiris.
General internship coordinator department:
(for general questions about internships, questions on rules and procedures etc.)
Internship coordinators:
(for content questions about internships and to look for a supervisor)
European Law
Ton van den Brink
Legal Research
Alexandra Timmer
Public International Law
Luca Pasquet
Law and Technology in Euope
Prof. dr. N.N. Purtova
Information regarding the labour market, job interviews, insurance, internships and more is to found on the internship-website of Utrecht University.
You can find more information about law-related internships on the websites below (mostly in Dutch)
Are you not quite sure about what kind of internship you are interested in? Or are you specifically looking for an internship outside of the field of law? In that case you can also sign up an internship mediator like Integrand. Integrand is an academic non-profit organization that connects students to possible employers and can help you throughout the entire application process by reviewing your cover letter for instance. They assist in finding internships for a wide variety of career fields, so not just law related.
You can find more information on their website.
Internship vacancies
Below you can find an overview of all sorts of internship vacancies. Not all internships are in English.
- A&S Advocaten
- Boekx Advocaten
- Bond Advocaten
- Certa Advocaten
- Citius Advocaten
- Corten De Geer Advocaten
- De Advocaten van Van Riet
- Dobosz Advocatuur
- De Roos Advocaten
- Hamer Advocaten
- Kolokatsi Advocaten
- Marree + Dijxhoorn Advocaten
- NN Advocaten
- Rijppaert & Peeters
- Schade Advocatuur
- Solutions Advocaten
- Spigt Dutch Caribbean (te Curaçao)
- Van Kaam Advocaten
- Wessel Van der Lans Arbeidsrecht Advocaten
- Windt Le Grand Leeuwenburgh
- Wintertaling
U kunt uw vacaturetekst doorgeven aan de facultaire stagecoördinator per e-mail: t.a.v. Anny de Geer.
Graag in de vacaturetekst (in PDF) het volgende vermelden:
- om wat voor werkzaamheden het gaat;
- de duur en periode van de stage;
- het gewenste profiel van de stagair
- gegevens contactpersoon.
Wat gebeurt er met uw vacaturemelding?
Binnen veertien dagen komt de melding op de stagepagina. Studenten bekijken de vacaturemeldingen regelmatig en nemen als ze geinteresseerd zijn contact met u op.
Wat vragen wij van de stage-instelling?
- een eigen werkplek voor de stagiair
- een jurist ter plekke om te begeleiden
- werk op niveau, juridisch inhoudelijk
- de taken van de stagiair worden van te voren geformuleerd
- de bereidheid om ons beoordelingsformulier in te vullen en te bespreken met de stagiair