
Career prospects

The vast majority of U.S.E. graduates enrol in a Master’s programme in economics at U.S.E., elsewhere in the Netherlands or abroad. Utrecht economists go on to find jobs as advisors, consultants or researchers in the Netherlands or abroad. In these roles you can, for instance, work in a multinational company or other business, a transport company, a bank, as an investor, for a project developer or a consulting firm. In addition, Utrecht economists find jobs as policy makers in public organisations, such as government departments, the provincial authorities, employers' associations, trade unions or European bodies.

A small number of graduates become scientific researchers, entrepreneurs, university lecturers or teachers. Studying economics in Utrecht opens the door to a wide range of careers!

Choose a Master’s programme

After completing your Bachelor in Economics and Business Economics, you can choose a Master’s programme, either at U.S.E. or at another university.
U.S.E. offers a Research Master (120 EC):

And the following Academic Master's (60 EC):

Amongst others the Faculty Law, Economics and Governance also offers the following Academic Master (60 EC):

If you are not sure which Master's programme is right for you, you might consider making an appointment with the Study Advisor.