Degree (re-) enrolment
If you want to continue with your Bachelor's degree, you need to re-enroll at the start of every new academic year.
You can submit your request for re-enrolment in Studielink. You can re-enrol as of 1 June. Make sure to finalise your re-enrolment before 1 September. If you are not enrolled before 1 September you cannot participate in courses and make use of university facilities. It is only possible to enrol with a starting date of 1 September. Exceptions are only possible with the explicit permission of your department or faculty. For further information please contact the Student Information Desk at your Faculty or Department.
How to re-enrol
In order to log on to Studielink you need a DigiD if you have a Dutch address (and /or BSN). Decisions with regard to enrolment will be sent to the email address listed in Studielink, so please make sure this address is up to date.
Please note: the Studielink website has recently been renewed. Are you experiencing difficulties logging into Studielink? Please contact Student Services.
Re-enrolment options
All rules and regulations regarding re-enrolment can be found in the Regulations for Enrolment and Tuition fees.