Double Bachelor's Mathematics and Economics
Information on this double Bachelor's programme can be found on the website of Mathematics, except the Economics and Business Economics’ electives:
- Applied Data Analysis & Visualization 1 (ECB2ADAVE)
- Applied Microeconomics Techniques ECB3AMT
- Business Research Methods (research) ECB3BRM
- Causes and Consequences of Inequality (research) ECB3INQ
- Data Science Lab for Economics (ECB3DSL)
- Development and Growth ECB3GD
- Economics of Entrepreneurship ECB2ECE
- Economics of the Public Sector, ECB2EPS
- Financial Markets and Institutions, ECB3FMI
- Game Theory ECB3GT (NOT in combination with Speltheorie (WISB223))
- Innovation Management ECB3IM
- International Financial Management, ECB3IFMIB
- International Investment Management, ECB3BL
- Labour Economics, ECB3ARBE
- Management Accounting and Corporate Decision Making ECB2FIV
- Market Failures, Institutions & Economic Policy, ECB2MFIEP
- Marketing ECB2MKT
- Organisation Dynamics ECB3OD
- Philosophy, Politics and Economics, ECB3CMEPC
- Public Choice and Wellfare (research), ECB3RPS
- Strategy and Management, ECB3SM
- Sustainable Finance (research) ECB3SF
- Trade and Multinationals ECB2INTE
Please note, in order to follow the double Bachelor's programme you need to be able to speak Dutch, as the Mathematics courses are taught in Dutch.