Course materials
In the course catalogue, you can find a list of course materials for each course.
You can order your books at the JSVU Boekservice, Perks of ordering at the JSVU include a discounted price when you are a member of JSVU. Order and pickup times at the JSVU can be found on the website. For more information and opening hours see For questions you can mail to: .
Of course you can also order your books elsewhere.
You can order your reader at readerportal Canon. Please order your readers on time, as you need them to prepare for your first classes. However, please be aware that readers can change each period, so do not order a reader in advance if you do not take classes in that period.
NB: Students are expected to purchase course materials such as books and readers since in order to actively participate in class, knowledge of the course materials is required. While a student who does not have these materials will not be excluded from the course, the course coordinator can exclude students from a course if participation is not sufficient.