Civiel effect

To work as a lawyer or within the judiciary, you must meet certain requirements, in terms of education completed, titles obtained and courses studied. If you meet these conditions, you can receive a declaration of ‘civiel effect’, or in other words you are admitted to the bar in the Netherlands. 

Conditions for receiving a declaration of 'civiel effect'

  • You have acquired an LLB title and an LLM title at a Dutch university 
  • Your study programme (Bachelor's and Master's) consisted of at least 200 EC worth of legal courses, 60 EC of which were at a Master's level 
  • The following courses were a part of your Bachelor's trajectory: 
    • Administrative Law
    • Civil and Administrative Procedural Law
    • Constitutional Law (or Tax Law)
    • Property Law
    • Introduction European Law (or European Law)
    • Substantive Criminal Law 
    • Private Law in Perspective
    • Public International Law
    • Criminal Procedure
    • Corporate and Partnerschip Law
    • Law of Obligations

Legal and non-legal courses

Please note that not all courses that are offered within the School of Law are legal courses. 

More information

The official title requirements concerning the profession of barrister and the Dutch judiciary ‘civiel effect’ can be found in the Education and Examination Regulations Master’s in attachment 5. You can direct any questions you might have regarding ‘civiel effect’ to the Board of Examiners at