
Timetables are published twice a year. You can find them in MyTimetable or on the MyUU app.

When will the timetables be published?

Your timetable can be found in MyTimetable four weeks before the start of the semester.

Publication date

Timetable for Semester 1

end of July

1st year MA students receive their schedule in the MA introduction week at USE

Timetable for Semester 2


How do I add my courses in MyTimetable?

Go to MyTimetable. Log in with your Solis ID and password. To add an individual student schedule, go to the '+ Add Schedule' button. Under the heading 'year', select 'Student (Economy)' (a student is referred to as a group in MyTimetable). Then select your personal student number and add your schedule.

How to connect MyTimetable to your calendar

You can connect MyTimetable to your personal digital calendar. On the ‘Help’ page in MyTimetable you will find elaborate instructions.

Check My Timetable for possible changes

The timetable may change shortly before it starts, so it is important to check your timetable regularly and check any changes on Blackboard.

Retake schedule

The schedule of the retakes will be visible in your MyTimetable if you are eligible for the retake.

List of locations