Roadmap Student Support Utrecht University
The roadmap in detail
- Start: Is my question education related? > YES: go to step 3 / NO: go to step 2
- It’s about…
- Academic skills: SkillsLab
- Job market: Career Services
- Is it related to studying? > YES: go to step 4 / NO: go to step 5
- More specifically…
- Academic study and writing: SkillsLab
- Studying without limitations: POS (Studying Without Limitations)
- Study planning and challenges: Study Advisor
- Admission, enrollment and more…: Student Services
- Study choice: Study Choice Advisor
- Is it related to (mental) health? > YES: go to step 6 / I GUESS: go to step 7
- More specifically…
- Study or personal life struggles: Student Psychologist
- E-health programs: Caring Universities
- Activities and events: Student Wellbeing
- Health related questions: GP (General Practitioner)
- Topics:
- Severe study delay: Student Counsellor
- Inappropriate behavior at UU: Confidential Counsellor for Inappropriate Behaviour
- Formal complaints: Complaints Coordinator