Binding Study Advice (BSA)
The BSA at the end of the first year determines whether you may continue with your studies. The BSA is a decision by the Board of Examiners about the continuation of your studies, based on the number of credits you've obtained (EC). In one academic year, you can obtain 60 EC.
BSA norm
The BSA norm is 45 EC. You will receive the BSA decision at the end of July via your UU email.
Interim study recommendation
At an earlier point during the academic year, you will receive what is called the 'interim study recommendation'. This recommendation is not binding. It is issued in December or January of the first year of study, and is based on the results of the first study period. You will receive:
- a positive interim recommendation for 15 EC or more
- a progress warning for 7.5 EC
- a negative interim recommendation for 0 EC
Terminating your enrolment before 1 February
If you terminate your enrolment before 1 February (through Studielink), you will not receive a binding study advice and will be able to make a fresh start with the degree programme next year. Please note that this only applies in the first year that you are registered for your current degree programme.
Study support
In case of a progress warning or negative interim study recommendation, we advise you to contact your tutor and/or Study Advisor. In order to qualify for an exception to the BSA rules, contact with your Study Advisor is a prerequisite (see also Special personal circumstances). If you want or need to (temporarily) stop your studies, we also advise you to discuss this with your Study Advisor.
Special personal circumstances
If you are faced with special personal circumstances, please report them to the Study Advisor as soon as possible. This is also a condition for possibly qualifying for an exception to the BSA rules. The Study Advisor can also think along with you to help improve your situation.