
Study duration

3 years


180 EC


120 EC


60 EC

This curriculum applies to students who started in 2023 or later. Did you start the programme before? 

Year 1

In the first year, you follow two core profiles of 30 EC each. You will orient yourself to important theories, methods, knowledge and skills of your studies. They prepare you for a specialisation that you take in year 2. 

Year 2

In year 2, you follow a specialisation. You also take two methodology courses in study period 1 and 3. The rest of the year consists of electives within your profiling space.

Study period 1Study period 2Study period 3Study period 4

Year 3

Year 3 is all about the BA thesis. Furthermore, in this year you have profiling space in which you can take a minor, for example, or choose individual elective courses.