Internship requirements
An internship offers you the opportunity to test your knowledge and skills in practice. Read the step-by-step plan below for general information for Faculty of Humanities students. For this Master's programme specifically, there are several requirements which the internship should fulfill:
- 15 EC (1 EC equals 28 hours). You may opt for a full time or part time internship, as long as you fulfill the required hours;
- Academic level, so you can get work experience using your academic knowledge and skills;
- International element, so you can relate your internship to the international aspects of the MA program;
- The internship organisation should provide a place for you to work, as well as an internship supervisor at the work place.
If you opt for doing an internship, you are encouraged to arrange your internship in such a way that you can combine it with writing your thesis within one academic year.
Internship objectives
- Applying acquired knowledge and skills in a practical working situation;
- Improving your skills and social competences in order to strengthen your position on the labour market.
What will be assessed?
Your internship supervisor is responsible for the final assesment of the internship. The quality and diversity of your work and achievements will be assessed on the basis of:
- The quality of your internship report in which you analyse to what extent you have been capable to implement the objectives mentioned in your internship working plan;
- The quality of your portfolio with concrete working products;
- Your functioning during your internship on the basis of an evaluation by your supervisor on the working floor.
The final report of your internship must be a minimum of 10 pages and should fulfil the following criteria:
- Introduce your internship in detail. Take this seriously: for example, if you have interned at the Dutch embassy in Berlin, make sure you discuss the role of the embassy in the context of the historical development of Dutch-German relations.
- In the report a link should be made back to your previously listed goals. Indicate to what degree you have completed these goals; if you have not completed them, explain why. Analyse how well you functioned in the intern position, but dare to analyse the internship spot itself as well. Do not be afraid to be critical, though take care to keep an academic distance. Your daily supervisor might want to review your report as well.
- Make sure to link the internship back to your MA programme. Explain in what ways the knowledge and skills you have acquired during your MA have proved to be useful over the course of your internship.
- Include a portfolio of work product examples that, to your understanding, truly represent the nature, level and quality of your internship. As far as your are not able to submit representative examples of your work in terms of concrete products, please try to describe these as extensively as possible in your internship report.
- If your internship spot has indicated that products you have contributed to are of a confidential nature (the Ministry of Foreign Affairs tends toward this view), make sure to indicate that your academic supervisor is willing to return/destroy the documents containing the work products after having read them.
Internships at the MA International Relations in Historical Perspective are graded Pass/Fail. The supervising lecturer uses these forms to assess your internship:
General HUM Step-by-step plan and forms - (Research) Master's internship
The steps below will help you prepare for your internship and show you the required documents per step. Please read these carefully together with the detailed HUM Internship manual – (Research) Master’s (pdf), which includes important information on finding an internship, internships abroad, writing the internship work plan, registering in Osiris, supervision, keeping a logbook and writing the final report and evaluation.
More information
Programme Coordinator
If you want to know more, or if you have any questions about internships, contact your Programme Coordinator.
Internship Office
You can contact the Internship Office Humanities for practical questions regarding doing an internship and handing in internship documents.